Monday, May 23, 2011

Quotant Quotables (Kid edition)

The people who are going to find this funny are probably going to be the people who have met the majority of my verbal nieces and nephews. I still love the ones who are not quite talking yet but I thought I would do a brief shout out to some of the classic quotes of the wee ones.

You you just gotta leave me, alone I am brushing my hair. - (Sassy Niece)

I think Derek took him out. - (Sassy Niece)

Granpa your really strong! - (Brainy Nephew, while trying to convince my father to open the toy chest)

If Chelsey gets out of town where will she go? - (Affable Nephew)

Thank you for my Batman friend. - (Affable Nephew)

I was fighting her. - (Brainy Nephew)

I am here everybody - (Brainy Nephew)

I don't like Chase, I like you! -(Sassy Niece)

You should be nice to your mom. - (Sassy Niece)

I'm gonna be a Jedi girl - (Flirty Niece)

I want my other Mother - (Flirty Niece)

Please bless me so I don't eat like a pig. - (Flirty Niece)

I think you should get married and have a 100 dinosaur babies. - (Brainy Nephew)

I have two grandmas! - (Sassy Niece)

Sticks go outside! - (The Wonder Twins)

My Mom is my Mother. - (Sassy Niece)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Its been awhile.

The reason I have not been so productive lately

I am quite the Batman cinephile.

The Dark Knight Rises, July 2012!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Another cartoon look alike.

Rajon Rondo from the Celtics and Frozone from the Incredibles look alike due to their narrow heads and slim but athletic frames.

Non-Sports Fan translation:
Frozone from the Incredibles looks a player on that green basketball team from Boston that periodically wins something in the summer. Basketball is that sport which is like soccer except they bounce the ball and score more.

Non-Disney & Pixar Fan Translation:
Rajon Rondo looks a Superhero from a Pixar movie with a Superhero family. Pixar is that place that makes Kid movies with computers.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

My Friday Night Conspiracy.

In my years of watching an abhorrent amount of television I have discovered something so terrible and obscene. Friday Night Television is perpetuating the stereotype of socially isolated science fiction nerds. How?! Let me explain. The TV shows that attract an "alternative" audience (see list below) primarily air on Friday nights, which is often considered to be the most sociable night of the week. So the pop culture nerds like myself often have to choose between making friends and their beloved TV shows. Guess what socially awkward nerds choose 8 times out of 10? They are going to choose Friday Nights watching Sci Fi Television alone (statistic may or may not be made up). Oh how many Friday nights I spent awkwardly telling friends of mine that I could not hang out just so I could watch Battlestar Gallactica with my Dad. Of course there is the argument that these shows are on Friday nights becuase no one would watch them otherwise, but then I would cite that there have been successful non Friday night geeky shows like LOST, & the first Season of Heroes.

With the increasing availability of online TV, people say that TV nerds don't have to sacrifice their tentative Friday night outings (ex.Monopoly Parties, Murder Mystery night, Space Camp etc.) But the shows they know and love are airing during the Friday Night Death Slot. So what limited dignity they have is often tossed towards "Save ______ (insert show)" campaigns. When said shows do get cancelled the TV nerds often will spiral into a state of anger and depression until they find another Sci Fi/alternative TV show to obsess over.

Here is a vague list of some Friday night TV shows past of present.

  • Fringe (My current Poison)

  • Twilight Zone (Including some of its newer revivals)

  • Battlestar Gallactica (R.I.P)

  • X-Files (for the first 3 seasons)

  • Caprica

  • Dollhouse

  • Also do not get me started on the Saturday Night television paradigm thats for another time.
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