Sunday, June 5, 2011

Filling in the blanks

Many times in conversation people need to feel in the blanks when we don't quite catch all of what the person said. Most of the time people make the correct assumptions without incident, except me. I do not have this ability my mind makes the wieredest assumptions and I believing I heard something that was completely contradictory to what was said.

Most recently in relief society while briefly going the story of Rebecca, I thought I heard the paraphrase

"And he said 'great you shall bear my bastard.'"

After double take I realized the phrase was "great ye shall marry my master."

On another occasion I assigned a friend a false last name for weeks.

I am even worse with song lyrics here is a superior blogging on the matter.

In the mean time here is a crude list of my common misheard song lyrics.

Apologize by One Republic
Actual: Too late the apologize
What I thought I heard: Too late to go to Johnny's

Fake Plastic Trees by Radiohead
Actual: He used to do surgery, For girls in the eighties.
What I thought I heard: Did surgery on girls in the A-Team.

Send me on my way by Rusted Root
Actual: Send my on my way.
What I thought I heard: Salmonella way

As you can see most of the mistakes could be corrected by simple cognitive inquires like finding out if the title is in chorus (as it often is).

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